Discover Our Story
Welcome to Creative Childcare Centre. We are very excited to meet you and your children. We have been in preschool business since 2007. Now we are proud to announce the grand opening of our new daycare and preschool centre located at 1891 Wellington Crescent, Richmond, BC situated in Sea Island Elementary School.
Daycare is almost a necessity for families with kids. Parents may not have time to teach their children about basic academic or independent skills at home due to their busy schedule. Some parents might concern if their children will have learning delay in academic when children are taken care by daycare centre.
We are glad to bring the good news to all parents that they can be worry free when their children are to be taken care at Creative Childcare Centre. Our daycare service is not only let children play, rest, sleep and eats but we also combine fine arts and pre academic program as well. In our centre, the children will gain basic academic foundation before they go to Kindergarten. Our centre is committed to provide a comfortable, supportive and safe learning environment for 2.5 to 5 years old children. We believe giving a balance of play and academic activities to children is able to enhance their learning motivation. We aim to let children enjoy their childhood by having fun thru learning.
Creative Childcare Centre maintains a license under the Child Care Facility Licensing Act of British Columbia. Our centre is committed to provide an unique program (Academic and Fine Arts), comfortable, supportive and safe learning environment for 2.5 to 5 years old children
Our Policy
Allergies Policy
All allergies (and dietary concerns) will be clearly posted on the refrigerator and near the snack table, so that all supervising staff members are notified. Please note that we are a PEANUT FREE facility. If you send any food with your child or donate any food to any functions held at the childcare centre, please ensure that these foods are PEANUT FREE. If they do not have the appropriate symbols or ingredients list then they will not be served to anyone for safety reasons, and will have to be returned home. Children who are in danger of severe allergic reactions need to bring a small bag with medicine whenever they go to playground or field trip. Each bag should be clearly marked with the child’s name with Epi pen and the medication form.
Behavioral Guidance Policy
Mission Statement:
Creative Childcare Centre is committed to provide a secure, comfortable and supportive environment that encourage trust, caring and respectful relationships to promote good behavior of children. Our responsibilities and the role we have in the lives of children are very important. We realize that each child is an unique individual who will develop his/ her own value. It is our responsibility to help them develop their own potential.
Using consistent guidance and teaching techniques, combined with caring, warmth, friendly, patience and understanding, it is within our capabilities to assist and allow each child to learn, experience and enjoy life. The purpose of guiding children behavior is to help our children develop self-control, self-confidence, self-discipline skills, learn to respect themselves and others, help each other, be gentle to each other, aware of their own feelings and the feelings of others, resolve conflict and solve problems, learn appropriate social skills and learn how to correct or improve misbehavior.
Strategies we use, in supportive way instead of punishment, to guide our students
• Establishing clear and simple limits
• Setting expectations
• Giving clear guidelines or instructions that are understandable for the age or developmental level
• Giving reminders frequently (for example, 5 minutes for your turn is done; now is another friend’s turn)
• Redirecting to a different play area if necessary
• Role modeling
• Demonstrating
• Allowing time for children to respond to teacher’s question
• Reinforcing appropriate behavior
• Using problem solving techniques to encourage child to discuss what has happened, and acknowledging the child’s feelings
• Encouraging problem solving and decision making assist when necessary
• Encouraging children to ask teachers for help when they cannot resolve issues on their own
• Giving verbal warnings to the child if the child still insists not to listen
• Giving the child a different task or toy to stop the undesirable behaviors
• Providing gentle support until a tantrum child calm down
Creative Childcare Centre will ensure Children in our care are never subjected to hitting, shaking, spanking, or depriving of snack or washroom accessibility.No child will be subjected to ridicule, sarcasm or labeling. No child shall be placed in complete isolation for any reason. Staff never uses food as either a reward or punishment and cannot deny food at any time. All staff respects each child’s ability to determine how much food they can eat. Children will be gently and appropriately encouraged to eat without under pressures, inappropriate comments or harsh/ belittling comments.
Behavior Management Care Plan
If staff has serious concerns about the child’s behaviors, the staff will consult to that individual child’s parent, so that the staff and the parent can work together to encourage appropriate behavior. If the child still has not got improvement after the guidance from the teachers, it may be necessary to develop a behavior management plan. The staff will provide some useful resources to the parent and let the parent choose which resource they wish to use to help their child. The staff always suggests the parents to start with their family doctor or to contact a supported child care consultant. Continual observation and recording of data would be maintained as well as establish discussions with the parents or legal guardians regarding their child’s behavior.
Bounced cheque policy
If a cheque is returned for NSF (non sufficient funds) reason, there will be $25 penalty fees for the parents to make.
Care and Supervision of Children Policy
Care and Supervision of Children PolicyCreative Childcare Centre ensures to provide children with indoor and outdoor learning environments that are positively and actively supervised in order to maintain their safety and individual needs. We truly believe that supervision is the most important element in the safe provision of child care.The following list is the supervision guidelines that all the teachers at Creative Childcare Centre need to implement on a daily basis (indoor and outdoor) during their supervision of young children in their care:
- To ensure the ratio from staff to children is met at all times, as outlined in the Child Care Licensing Regulations.
- To be in close proximity when children play, and continuously monitor, scan, and count all children in care.
- To communicate within staff before changes in supervision occur.
- To track attendance of children on a regular basis.
- To do head counting all the times.
- To ensure the designated sheet will be signed by parents when their children are IN and OUT.
- To use clear, consistent and simple safety rules that all the children can understand and follow.
- To assist child (ren) if they need to go to washroom while maintaining the staff to child ratio, as outlined in the Child Care Licensing Regulations.
- To keep all children in eyesight when talking to children, parents and others.
- Never to leave children unattended at any time, even in emergency situations.
All children will have outdoor play because they need to release their energy and find places to make noise. Also children need to feel free and will have chances to discover the environment. Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed for outdoor play at all times. Our outdoor activities will include walks, playground and water play (sprinkler in summer) and others. If parents do not think that their child is good enough to participate in outdoor activities, please keep your child at home until they are fully recovered.
Child vacation policy
Parents must continue to pay the child’s tuition during vacation to hold the preschool or daycare spot.
Closure policy
There will be no refund if the Sea Island Elementary School announces not to open due to the bad weather condition or power outages.
Emergency Training Policy
Emergency Training PolicyEvacuation plans and escape routes with emergency phone numbers will be posted on the wall on each exit.
Earthquake and fire emergency drill will be exercised once a month and it will be filed in record. Creative Expressions Child Care Center will practice fire and earthquake drills regularly in conjunction with the staff and students of Sea Island Elementary School.
- Earthquake drill policy- Children will be introduced to and participate in earthquake drill procedures so that they can become familiar with the “drop, cover and hold” procedure, counting to 60 and then evacuating outside through the nearest exit. Once children are comfortable with procedures, actual drills will be organized without advance notice to children. Children will be encouraged to follow the drill procedures as efficiently as possible. The emergency kits and child’s emergency contact cards will also be ready and available for children outside school building. Staff will do the head counting when all the students are lining up outside.
- Fire drill policy- children will be introduced to and participate in fire drill procedures so that they can become familiar with the “red flame” that indicates the location of the fire and the need for evacuation through alternate exits. Once when the children are comfortable with the procedures, actual drills will be organized without advance notice to children. Children will be encouraged to follow the drill procedures as efficiently as possible. The emergency kits and child’s emergency contact cards will also be ready and available for children outside school building. Staff will do the head counting when all the students are lining up outside.
Enrolment Requirements
Before your child can be officially enrolled in Creative Childcare Centre, you must complete and provide the following documents:
• Enrollment contract form
• Registration form with one recent photo
• Field trip authorization and photograph release form
• Immunization form
• Emergency contact form
Holiday policy
There will be no refund for the statutory holiday reason.
Missing Child Policy
In order to keep all children safe, no child is allowed to leave alone and children are accounted for at all times. If a child appears to be missing, his/her name will be calmly called and staff will confirm whether the child leaves early with parents or legal guardians by retracing his/ her actions. The rest of children will be taken care by other staff during the process of searching. If the child is missing inside of the school, the administration of Sea Island Elementary School will also be notified. Staff will continue to search all areas inside and outside of the school. If the child cannot be found, police will be called in 2 minutes for assistance. Staff will also contact the missing child’s parents and notify the owner of child care center at the same time. Staff will have the missing child’s emergency information available such as description of the child’s clothing and a current picture of the child. If the child is missing during a field trip and cannot be found, the field trip will immediately be cancelled and the staff will bring all the rest of children back to the child care center as soon as possible. The administration of the child care center will notify the missing child’s parents, the Child Care Licensing Officer and the owner of the child care center as well. If the child is found in a short period of time in a field trip, then the field trip will continue. Incident forms have to be completed and filed properly in the child care center.
Outing policy
No child will be permitted to go on an outing without signing the official field trip consent form and fees (by cash)
Registration Payment Policy
Spaces will not be held verbally. Registration fee must be paid in order for a spot to be held for your child. A non refundable registration fee of $50 in cash is registered at the time of registration.
Creative Childcare Centre welcomes parent or legal guardian and their child to visit our centre prior to enrolment. This process allows your child to become more familiar with our child care setting and staff.
Safe Release of children Policy
In order to keep your child safe, Creative Childcare Centre will only release child to their parent, legal guardian and the person who is designated by the parent or guardian on the pickup authorization form. Staff has to be notified early from the parent or legal guardian if there is another person come to pick up the child. This person must present a photo ID at the time of pick up. No child will be released to anyone who is not able to provide the photo identification.
- Custody agreement- If one parent has custody orders or restraining orders, the center needs a copy of current custody orders or restraining orders to be kept on file.
- Unfit person arrives to pick up child – If staff notices the child’s family member seems incapable to provide safe care to the child, the staff will not release the child to that person until the staff is able to contact another family members or people from emergency contact to pick up the child. All contact information of parents and legal guardians are kept in children’s file which is easily accessed by staff in case they need to look for children’s file. If there is any questions/ concerns regarding the release of a child, parents will be contacted by phone.
- Non pick up of child – Creative Childcare Centre asks parents, family members and legal guardians to be punctual and pick up their children at the end of class. If no parent/ guardian or designated person comes to pick up their child at the end of class, staff will contact the child’s parent or guardian. If they are unable to be reached, the person from emergency contact will be notified and asked to come to pick up the child. Staff will need an explanation from the parent or guardian and will keep the incident in the child’s file. It will be an issue to be discussed between staff and parents or legal guardians if there are repeating incidents.
Sickness policy
There will be no refund if your child is not able to attend Creative Childcare Centre due to sickness.
Withdrawal policy
One month verbal or written notice is necessary if you would like to withdraw your child from Creative Childcare Centre; parents have to let our staff know on the first of the month. Once parents follow the process of withdrawal policy, the rest of the post dated cheques will be returned to the parents.